- Tesoro, ascolta Govinda. Cerca di concentrarti sulla strada. Lungo il tragitto chiesi a papà di fermarsi in una piazzola di sosta perché avevo ...rgentemente bisogno di fare la pipì. Così ci infilammo in uno spiazzo alberato per camper e andai alla ricerca di un bagno chimico o qualcosa del genere; purtroppo l’area ne era sprovvista. Non c’era neppure nessuno a cui potevo chiedere, e così me ne andai dietro i cespugli, in mezzo a preservativi usati e pagine strappate via da giornaletti. Our sloppy kiss was only broken when a jealous Kiara took him from me to kiss him herself. Her hands massaged his crotch as he with a smile broke their kiss. “Olivia, wanna play with Kiara for a bit?” He asked me as I eagerly nodded. I grabbed her by the hands and pulled her, so that she would be almost on top of him and we began to kiss. Each tasting Andrew in each other's mouth I moved my hand onto her chest to reveal her tits. My lips quickly followed, my eyes resting on Andrew’s dreamy eyes. “Bend over, I’m going to fuck that cunt of yours.” I bent over and Jerry held my hips and slid his cock into my cunt. He was thrusting deeper and faster and my pussy was making all her wet, squelching noises. Samantha’s boyfriend was fucking her good and hard. She had her legs at her side, while her boyfriend was thrusting and pounded at her pussy. We could hear how juicy her pussy was. Meanwhile, Jerry was fucking me deeper and harder. I had another orgasm and I soaked Jerry's cock and. "Something I've been thinking about", she said."You gonna tell me what it is", I asked."NOPE, not yet anyway", she said with a smile. Thinking we were taking our chances to continue laying on the couch naked holding each other, which enhanced the excitement, we still thought it prudent to get up and put clothes on. I didn't even bother trying to get out of her whatever it was she was talking about before and figured she's just being a tease.With both of us "satisifed" we watched TV, played.
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