I went to her dresser and pulled out her black lacey corset. She cooed, I held it up and she stepped over to me. After doing all twenty five fasteners...she turned around so I could pull the cord tightly. I know she loves her tiny waist so I pulled the laces as tightly as I possibly could. Can you breath I asked? She rubbed her sides as she admired herself in the mirror. Her little thirty four B cup tits where forced into pretty little softball sized globes. I handed her black lace top stockings. He put his arm around me and simply chuckled. I didn’t know what to say. I had mixed emotions. I was so happy but guilt was setting in. It must have been obvious. "What's bothering you?" he asked. I took a deep breath and made the confession. "Oh, it’s April." "What's wrong?" I stared blankly ahead biting on my lip. "Julie, what is it?" I couldn’t take it anymore. "Can we talk about something?” “Of course." I took hold of his arm, gesturing for us to take a seat. “Look, I never said anything. And I will help you improve. "She sounded like a school teacher. I am experienced in pussy eating but wanted my mother to guide me so I dove right in and began licking her pussy. I licked the hair and lips but did not let my tongue into her cunt. After a while she stopped me. She grabbed my head And told me how to do it. "John, You have to force your tongue into my pussy."I did what I was told she then guided me to her clit. Her pussy had a clean smell and a tangy taste. stronger then any one I. " You make me stand next to you in front of a full length mirror. "Just look at the difference in our sizes, you sneer. "My thighs are bigger than your chest", and then you do a muscle pose and the latex begins to tear at the arms and legs from the strain of the bulging muscles. Despite my weakened condition, my cock springs to attention at the sight of your magnificent body, the muscles gleaming in the light, and the huge tits thrust forward with the gigantic nipples begging to be sucked. "I.
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