Who's gonna..so..but I.." and not too much else. The door was open and if it wasn't for the shower running, i could hear better. Aah. That's better. ...he shower's shut off. "So it's settled. One round then let's see. Deal?" "Deal."Wait. Who shut the shower off?Bill came out followed by mr Gruff. "Ok Leslie. Here's the deal. I promised my friend a little sex if his quota was made for this quarter and he earned it. I found you and I have been with a "Special" girl like you and I have found. ” * Charlie slid the key card through the lock and pushed the door open. I walked in ahead of him and he closed the door and flicked on the lights since it was a little dingy. “So how’s this work then?” he asked. I turned to face him. “Well it’s got to be real, and I’m up for that, so from now until we leave this hotel room I’m your girl. And nothing we do now ever leaves this room. As simple as that.” He nodded and smiled. Before I could return the smile he leaned in and brushed his lips. "What's going on?" asked Sarah."Oh nothing." Norton raised his large hand in front of Roberta's face"There's no problem, is there?"Roberta shook his head instantly, eyes still wide in terror."Sarah, do you want to listen, or shall I hang the phone up?" Oh I'd love to hear it, don't hang up," exclaimed Sarahenthusiastically, "just leave the phone on the side or something."Norton took Roberta's phone from him and placed it back on the wall,while he placed his own wireless phone on the kitchen. " It'll only make it hurt more," Laura whispered to her."I know."There was a long pause. Each was yearning wildly for the other. Trina broke the silence."I... was lying on my sofa, last night. Shawna was asleep. It was that time when we used to... you know. And I was thinking about you... and I came. Just like that. I guess I just wanted you to know." Too bad I wasn't there," Laura said, although she knew that at that very moment she was probably coming wildly herself as Randi yanked the rope.
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