She’d take off her bottoms and then I’d pull out my dick. The last time we did this she was trying on some summer dresses. When I pulled out my it was standing straight at attention with a little pre-cum at the tip. She got down to suck the head of my penis so she could taste it. She claimed it was a mix of salty and sweet? Then I turned her around and had her arch her back out. I start kissing her on the neck as I penetrate her from behind. When I sensed her coming, I cover her mouth as. She kissed both of us goodnight and headed off. I waited for a few minutes before I said to Chris to come with me. We headed down the hallway and into our bedroom. Paulene was still in the bathroom, so I said to Chris lets play a trick on her. I turned the lights out except for one in the hallway which slightly illuminated our bedroom and Chris lay down on her side of the bed. We could hear my wife as she finished up and opened the door. She flipped the light out and only made a few steps. Up my left leg, very slowly. All the way up to my inner thigh, and then to my crotch. By this time all the touching had gotten me a little excited and I had a growing bulge between my legs. His hand passed over it and stopped."And what are you hiding here?" He asked."Um well…." Before I could finish his hands reached in and grabbed my girlie cock."Ha!" He says. "I had a feeling there was something off about you." Then I noticed a small bag with white powder hit the ground."And what is this?" He. I couldnt wait much longer. I let my fingers trace up his body and to his shaggy black hair. I tugged on it softly with one hand while my other found its way to my clit. I gently massaged it with two fingers and rose my hips to press my wetness against his warm skin. “Stop teasing me Ugo I half-whimpered. He slid the head of his dick inside of me; I moaned and began rubbing myself faster. He slowly slid the length of his member inside of me and sat there with it all the way inside of me. “God,.
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