I just continued to finger her through the swimsuit. Sarah, inexperienced with making out like this, was very tentative in her actions. She kept one h...nd on my neck as we kissed, and rested the other on my side. Taking a break from playing with her pussy, I moved my hand to Sarahs and guided her toward the waist of my swimsuit. Sarah needed no further encouragement and she slipped her hand into my shorts. She quickly found my cock and grabbed hold of it. As my own hand returned to her pussy,. ”“Good, let’s stop that practice then, there’s no use sending people to monitor a non-Federated planet that we’re already monitoring. What are the closest Sentinels to that location?”“There’s a Sentinel at Neria, about 7 days away from Cantara. Otherwise we have two Sentinels sitting at the asteroid shipyard, one was originally destined for Kompf and the other for Trayak, they are 10 days away.”“Send the Sentinel from Neria to Cantara, then redirect one of the new Sentinels to Neria. Then can. And the last glimmer of light dissapered as it closed it's mouth around her feet.She was in darkness now. Wet, hot, burning darkness. She wiggled and struggled to turn around even though she was in the beasts throat. And was being swallowed. The throat muscles forced her down along its gullet. Her naked fleshy body slid along the path. She breathed heavily as she tried anything to make herself too big to swallow. Not thinking but acting on instinct. But the bigger she made herself the more the. I was trying to mumble out "what the hell is happening?" but I'm sure that nothing intelligible went past the ball gag.The two brutes lifted up the chair and carried it into the apartment's bedroom, the same room that Melissa had disappeared into as I was being tied up. They placed the chair in clear view of the bed. Melissa was lying on the bed stark naked, next to a guy who I recognized as one of the starting offensive linemen on the college football team. Giving me a big smile, Melissa.
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